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Tasting Edible Insects

Hey guys! So I was in the city and came across edible chocolate covered bug snacks?!?! Whaaaat!! I love eating living bugs and just had to get these! And what a coincidence, a friend sent me two other kinds of edible bug snacks. Score! I... think! Let's see how they taste. :d

The chocolate covered edible bugs are thickly coated in chocolate. They almost remind me of a kit kat bar, but boy they have'm beat on the crunch, but not on the flavor! :P

I like to feed my living mealworms oatmeal before I eat them... and it's obvious the manufacturer who made the bbq meal worms didn't feed them anything. Nevertheless, I still like the two flavors, so I'll keep them around!

Best for last doesn't apply in this situation! I don't like sour cream and onion OR crickets YUK!!!! This is an experiment, after all, so I'll go ahead and try them. UMmmmm.... or maybe I can just end the video here? No, that'd be cheating, just like I did at the beginning of the video by swallowing a chocolate bug whole because I didn't want to chew it!

I made up for swallowing a chocolate bug whole by chewing on another one. I'm not going to stop filming until I do this and you can sit back and watch me hesitantly and nervously work myself up to a freak-out when I eat a sour cream and onion cricket. O__X!

Watch the first 4 minutes for free!


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Product Details:
Producer: Katelyn Brooks
25:51 minutes
1920x1080 H.264
Includes Mobile Streaming!
bug vore, mouth, close up, facial reactions, tongue, lips, snacks, chewing, uvula, cleavage, skirt, pussy flash, legs, bed, bedroom, brunette, long hair, glossy lips, long sleeve shirt, food, chocolate, bugs, unusual, open mouth, licking lips, sour cream

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