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Jar O' Gummies

Isabelle sits down with a jar filled with what used to be little men... but no longer. Some time ago She used Her magic on them and turned them into large, living gummy bears... able to see, feel and fear, but unable to move or speak.

She sits down and one by one, pulls them from the jar, pulls their tiny bodies, twists them painfully and finally She begins to eat them, chewing their tiny bodies in Her wet mouth between those sharp, strong teeth. But these worthless little pets are not worthy of being swallowed, not worthy of being digested by Her, becoming part of Her and so after masticating... She spits them out!


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Product Details:
Producer: Isabelle Shy
8:06 minutes
1280x720 H.264
pulled apart, hand play, gummies, spitting, chewing, Isabelle Shy

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